Attorney General directs Vancouver home remodeler to redo its marketing pitch
Northwest First Choice latest company to settle in office’s ongoing campaign to clean up industry sales practices
VANCOUVER, WA – October 25, 2010 – (RealEstateRama) — A Vancouver-based exterior home remodeler that allegedly built up sales by misleading customers agrees to comply with state consumer protection laws. Northwest First Choice settled claims brought by the Washington Attorney General’s Office.
The case, filed today in Clark County Superior Court, is the latest in the office’s push to hammer home the importance of honest advertising to window companies, roofers and siding installers in Washington.
“We believe Northwest First Choice used many of the same misleading and unfair tactics to sell vinyl siding and windows that we’ve been warning consumers and businesses about for more than a year,” said Assistant Attorney General Jack Zurlini. Zurlini, who led the case, has negotiated similar settlements with seven other companies since fall 2009.
The Attorney General’s Office accused Northwest First Choice of misrepresenting the purpose of its sales calls, misleading consumers into believing that they are receiving a discount on products and services they purchase, making unsubstantiated claims about energy savings customers would achieve and failing to notify customers of their cancellation rights.
The company denied any wrongdoing but agreed to restrictions on its marketing practices and to pay the state more than $10,000 to cover investigative and legal costs. A $25,000 civil penalty was suspended provided the company complies with all conditions of the settlement.