WASHINGTON, D.C. – July 13, 2015 – (RealEstateRama) — After the hottest June here in recorded history, higher-than-usual water consumption and record-low stream flows into storage reservoirs, the outlook on Bellevue’s water supply has dropped from “good” to “fair.”
While the water supply is expected to be adequate until fall rains return, residents can reduce consumption by using efficient plant-watering systems and watering before 10 a.m. and after 7 p.m. The city offers other tips on its Practice Smart Watering page.
The City of Bellevue gets its water from the Seattle Water System, through the Cascade Water Alliance. Seattle monitors the water supply, and changes the outlook when conditions warrant.
Contact Information
Utilities Department
450 110th Ave. NE
P.O. Box 90012
Bellevue, WA 98009
Contact: Michael May, Public Information Officer
Phone: 425-452-5215
E-mail: mmay (at) bellevuewa (dot) gov