Clark County awarded $3.3 million grant to fight homelessness


Vancouver, WA – November 30, 2007 – Clark County Community Services has been awarded a $3.3 million conditional grant from the Washington State Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development (CTED) to fight homelessness.

The grant, to be used during a three-year period, takes a multi-dimensional approach to address homelessness while simultaneously referring individuals to mental health and chemical dependency services.

The plan aims to:

– Identify, close and clean homeless encampments while providing housing and social services for 450 people moved from the encampments.

– Provide re-entry housing and intensive services for 85 people living in institutions.

– Expand transitional and permanent supported housing for 100 difficult-to-house clients.

– Enhance landlord outreach and coordination of housing partnerships.

CTED received 16 proposals for the grant funds representing more than $23 million in requests for the $15 million available. Ten proposals were selected and the awards are conditional upon receipt and approval of the technical submissions (TSF) required for each project.

DCS will coordinate the program in collaboration with the city of Vancouver, Share, Community Services Northwest, Council for the Homeless, Vancouver Police Department, Lifeline Connections, Columbia River Mental Health Services, Clark County Sheriff’s Office and others.


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