Yearly Archives: 2009
Pierce County businesses claiming to help homeless aren’t charities
TACOMA, WA - June 29, 2009 - (RealEstateRama) – The telemarketers’ pitch seems innocent enough: They want you to buy trash bags, light bulbs or gift cards at jacked-up prices.
Clark County purchases community park property in Felida
Vancouver, WA - June 29, 2009 - (RealEstateRama) – Clark County has purchased a 10-acre property at 11515 NW 16th Ave. in Felida for use as a future community park and trail head, following approval by the Board of Clark County Commissioners.
Grand opening of Green & Affordable Homes named in honor of former chair Bart...
Seattle, WA - June 30, 2009 - (RealEstateRama) - The Grand Opening celebration for The Bart Harvey, in Seattle’s South Lake Union neighborhood, is scheduled for Wednesday July 8. The event will take place at the Bart Harvey Housing site, located at 430 Minor Ave. N. in Seattle, with a brief program from 3:30 PM until 5:00 PM.
Griffin-Matteson JV Closes First Multifamily Buy
KENT, WA - June 19, 2009 - (RealEstateRama) - An alliance of apartment property operator JB Matteson Inc. and investment manager Griffin Capital Corp. recently made its first apartment acquisition, paying Equity Residential $32.4 million for Waterford at the Lakes, a 344-unit complex.
Project to provide free legal assistance to homeowners facing foreclosure
SEATTLE, WA - June 18, 2009 - (RealEstateRama) -- The Washington State Bar Association (WSBA) is pleased to announce that its Home Foreclosure Legal...
Mayor Nickels statement on Housing Levy renewal
SEATTLE, WA - June 11, 2009 - (RealEstateRama) – Mayor Greg Nickels issued a statement on today's actions by the City Council's Housing Levy Committee of the Whole to place the Housing Levy renewal on the November ballot:
Stimulus funds to enhance housing and community development programs
Vancouver, WA - May 18, 2009 - (RealEstateRama) — The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009, signed into law last February, will infuse more than $6 million into Clark County’s housing and community development programs. Planning is underway for the management and distribution of funds.
Pay time for notorious foreclosure rescue scammer
SEATTLE, WA - May 7, 2009 - (RealEstateRama) — The Washington Attorney General’s Office declared a major victory for consumers today in response to a judge’s order that a notorious foreclosure rescue scammer must pay more than $3.2 million to victims he wronged plus $179,000 in penalties for violating the Consumer Protection Act.
Housing Levy Renewal Needed Now More than Ever
SEATTLE, WA - April 29, 2009 - (RealEstateRama) — Mayor Greg Nickels today announced his proposal to renew the Seattle Housing Levy, which expires at the end of 2009. He made his announcement in the courtyard of the Seattle Housing Levy-funded Stone Way Apartments in Wallingford, surrounded by current and former residents of levy-funded housing.
State Awards $11.5 Million in Community Development Block Grants
Olympia, WA - April 29, 2009 - (RealEstateRama) — The Washington State Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development (CTED) today announced Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) General Purpose Grants for over $11.5 million dollars to 14 cities and counties throughout the state.
Fire Marshal urges homeowners to prepare for wildfire season now
Vancouver, WA - April 29, 2009 - (RealEstateRama) — On the heels of the devastating wildfires that scorched more than 100,000 acres near Oklahoma City earlier this month, Clark County Fire Marshal Jon Dunaway is urging homeowners to be proactive.
Green Building Initiative: saving energy for homes and businesses
SEATTLE, WA - April 22, 2009 - (RealEstateRama) — Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels today announced a multitiered strategy to save energy and shrink the amount of climate pollution from Seattle's buildings and homes. Launched today on Earth Day, the Green Building Capital Initiative:
Seattle awards $628,000 to improve community buildings
Seattle, WA - April 17, 2009 - (RealEstateRama) — Mayor Greg Nickels today announced City of Seattle funding awards totaling $628,000 for five community agencies that are renovating or building facilities to help them better serve people in need. Funding for the awards comes from the federal Community Development Block Grant.
Solar panel dedication Apr. 18 at Farmers Market
Bellingham, WA - April 17, 2009 - (RealEstateRama) — A new demonstration solar power installation is shining a light on the City of Bellingham’s commitment to clean, renewable energy. Saturday April 18 at 11:00 a.m., the public is invited to a ceremony at Depot Market Square to dedicate a 2.4 kilowatt solar electric power system recently installed on the roof of one of the parking sheds. The new system was awarded to the people of Bellingham by Puget Sound Energy.
Survey to gain better understanding of homeless needs
SEATTLE, WA - April 13, 2009 - (RealEstateRama) — Hundreds of volunteers will survey unsheltered homeless people in Seattle tonight to better understand the needs of people who are homeless and the barriers they face to finding permanent housing.
Mayor’s South Lake Union Tour: Jobs, Housing, Transportation
SEATTLE, WA - April 8, 2009 - (RealEstateRama) — Mayor Greg Nickels led a walking tour of the South Lake Union neighborhood this morning, meeting physicians, scientists, and retailers. He also spoke about the future of Mercer Street and the need to improve mobility in this vital part of the regional economy.
Clark County and tribe cancel 2004 agreement over potential development
Vancouver, WA - April 8, 2009 - (RealEstateRama) — The Board of Clark County Commissioners has voted to rescind a 2004 agreement with the Cowlitz Indian Tribe that spelled out how the tribe would pay for local services and follow county standards if the tribe received federal approval to develop 152 acres next to Interstate 5 near La Center.
Assessor schedules March 11 meeting on property tax statements
Vancouver, WA - February 27, 2009 - (RealEstateRama) — Clark County Assessor Linda Franklin has scheduled a public meeting for property owners to learn more about their 2009 property tax statements.
Vancouver, Clark County team up to clear the way for sustainable, affordable housing
Vancouver, WA - February 24, 2009 - (RealEstateRama) — Vancouver and Clark County invite the public to learn about their joint study of code and regulatory barriers to developing affordable housing designed to minimize its long-term impact on the environmen
State Housing Trust Fund, Seattle Housing Levy Recognized With $1 Million MacArthur Foundation Grant
Olympia, WA - February 26, 2008 - (RealEstateRama) — The Washington Department of Community, Trade, and Economic Development (CTED) and City of Seattle Office of Housing (Seattle OH) have been selected by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation to participate in an innovative national initiative to preserve affordable rental housing.